Officially it's called an adenoma

You can Google Non-Functioning Pituitary Adenoma if you want detailed information but in a nutshell it’s a benign tumor in my pituitary gland.

Three times, it's grown to the point where it affected my optic nerves and pituitary function. Surgery was performed Feb. 2007 again in Feb. 2009 and yet again Nov. 11, 2010 to remove as much of it as possible.

My vision was preserved in each case however I've lost Growth Hormone production and am on thyroid medication to help those levels.

I had radiation after my last surgery. The risk is I could over time loose all pituitary function. The hope is it will slow or stop the persistent tumor's aggressive growth.


Progress Report

My endocrinologist decided on Feb. 24th to increase my thyroid medication.  For a time daily headaches occurred, not bad but for me headaches of any kind leave a whisper of worry.  Is it caused from medication, teenagers, overtired or the tumor?  It was the me adjusting to the medication.  The headaches are gone now. 

Less than 2 weeks on the increase and I feel better. I've more energy, moods more stable and  I CAN THINK!  Brain fog is a frustrating result of low hormone, like a person's brain becomes as tired as their body.  I'm not 100% but think I've improved 50 or 60% so I'm cautiously hopeful.

Another frustrating aspect of all this time when I'm down because of the tumor is that life keeps trucking on by.  All the things I've started or I'm responsible for taking care of sit gathering dust or grow worse.  Another chunk of my life is gone, again.  It's bitter truth to accept.

But whining never solved a thing.


I'm working on all those pesky things that have been ignored or put off, exercise (resumed family walks - worked up to a mile and a half nightly now ) final revisions on my manuscript (will finish in a week or so and though I've learned tons from writing it, I've been stalled so often on the project for 'health' stuff that it feels like years, oh wait it has been years since the rough draft. I'm SO ready to move on, write new stories) the bathroom floor had dollar store tiles (20 bucks lasted 2 years) and they started dying a few months back (I was a little busy then).  I've been scrapping them up for weeks now (tire easily but am stubborn, persistent) floor is clear tonight :)  Also working on our family photo video I do every year, usually complete around Christmas time, but am hoping by summer.  The list of stuff to address is long, would overwhelm me to list so won't :) but it feels good to make some progress.  A couple things at a time, one day at a time.

My next appointment is on May 3rd, for Endocrinology, to test my hormone levels, see how my medication is working and if it needs adjusting.

My next MRI is Aug. 19th.  Because I had radiation I'll be scanned every 6 months for at least the next 2 years.  If all goes well after that, they'll start stretching them out.