Officially it's called an adenoma

You can Google Non-Functioning Pituitary Adenoma if you want detailed information but in a nutshell it’s a benign tumor in my pituitary gland.

Three times, it's grown to the point where it affected my optic nerves and pituitary function. Surgery was performed Feb. 2007 again in Feb. 2009 and yet again Nov. 11, 2010 to remove as much of it as possible.

My vision was preserved in each case however I've lost Growth Hormone production and am on thyroid medication to help those levels.

I had radiation after my last surgery. The risk is I could over time loose all pituitary function. The hope is it will slow or stop the persistent tumor's aggressive growth.


Is radiation necessary?

Radiation to the pituitary is not the first line of treatment for most pituitary tumors. It doesn't produce an immediate effect to shrink the tumor. It may take years to be effective.

In my case 3 surgeries in 3 years 2007, 2009, 2010 shows a tumor with an aggressive re growth pattern. Radiation will, most likely, eventually wipe out my pituitary function but without it, odds are, that would also be the end result of countless re growths and repeated surgeries. Indeed without radiation I could lose all function and still have a re growth that threatened my optic nerves and surrounding brain tissue.

Bottom line, I don't have the stomach for nor the courage to contemplate surgery every 18 months.

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